Adron Homes and properties, Promo, Gifts, Lands, Houses, Locations

Respond to Adron Homes and Properties Pictures, videos, gift collections and information

Get Beautiful Gifts and give away for any of our Estate in Adron homes and properties

Prices of all our lands and Houses are currently on Ramadan Promo

Promos include:
-50% price slash(No gifts items Except Central park and gardens Ibeju Lekki Lagos)
-40% price slash(you get gift items)
-30% price slash(you get gift items)

To qualify for any of the Adron Homes and properties Gift items; make initial deposit for land in any of our Estate, pay;
1. #10,000 get Adron Mini pack  or pay;
2. #15,000 get Adron pack or;
3. #25,000 get a mini food pack OR Electric Iron or;
4. #50,000 get a food pack inclusive of Noodles pack OR Blender or pay;
5. #100,000 Get a food pack inclusive of Noodles Pack, Cockerel or Ironing Board
6. #200,000 get a food pack inclusive of Noodles pack and Turkey OR Rechargeable fan or;
7. #500,000 get get a food pack inclusive of Noodles pack, A Turkey and a Goat OR 4 Face Gas Cooker or;
8. #1Million get food pack inclusive of Noodles pack, 2 Goats and  2 bags of 50Kg rice OR 49 inches TV

Estate locations: 
-Shimawa(6 Estates locations)
-Ikorodu(2 Estates)
-Abeokuta(2 Estates)
-Atan-Ota(3 Estates)
 -Ibadan(5 Estates)
-Ibeju Lekki(4 Estates)
-Uke Nassarawa (2 Estate locations)

Available are Pictures, video, land, houses, referral and subscription
Billtayo: 07068720710

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